Register for myAccount
Existing Trade Account Customers
If you are an existing Middy's Trade Account customer, register for myAccount to start shopping online today.
In just three easy steps you can access over 12,000 fast moving electrical products online, from brands you know and trust. With FREE delivery and the ability to order online anywhere, anytime, there’s never been a better time to unlock the power of Middy's.
New to Middy’s?
Apply here for a Middy's Trade Account. Once registered for myAccount, trading terms are the same as your Middy's Trading Account and you'll see prices you'll normally pay in branch, plus you'll be able to:
- Research products, check stock availability, and order online.
- View invoices, statements, and make account payments online.
- Create joblists for regular orders, and custom lists for specific projects.
- Enjoy click and collect, or FREE delivery to most locations.